4 Years Old:
- Can alternate feet walking down stairs
- Can climb a ladder
- Can ride a tricycle or small bike
- Cuts and pastes
- Can button his own clothes
- Can dress and undress self with supervision
- Can draw a person with arms and legs
- Copies a cross, circle, and square
- Knows his colors
- Can count to 5
- Can use the correct usage of “I”
5 Years Old:
- Can skip and/or walk on his tiptoes
- Can dress and undress without supervision
- Knows his/her age
- Knows his/her colors
- Knows his/her coins
- Defines words ( ie: ball, shoes)
- Copies triangles
- Can draw a person with all parts
- Develops sexual curiosity, may begin to ask questions
6 Years Old:
- Knows right from left
- Can draw a person with 6 body parts
- Can print his/her first name
- Can count and print to 10
- Can ride a bicycle
- Can tie his shoe
7 Years Old:
- Can tell time
- Likes to read for pleasure
- Has a sense of humor
- Accepts rules
- Helps with chores
- Has hobbies